We believe in the importance of engaging communities and users in the design process and have developed overarching values that we apply to our community work: we are respectful of communities and acknowledge the expertise of others. In addition, our process is inclusive, transparent, and iterative so that we can listen, respond to feedback, and co-create with the community.
Keeping our community engagement values in mind, we also understand that each project and community is unique. Therefore, our initial set-up, our engagement strategy, and our project goals have been tailored to the Alta community’s exceptional characteristics.
Alta is a world-famous ski town situated in an avalanche zone with a large population influx during ski season. As part of a feasibility study for the Center, we actively engaged the Alta community to determine an ambition for the new center that would best serve its diverse community. Additionally, the project began shortly following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, so all conversations had to be adapted to a remote environment.
Pre-Design and Set Up
Before we could begin the engagement process, we had to first design an inclusive process. We assembled a team of technical experts and local community leaders to guide us through the design and established a schedule that would allow for iteration. We devised a multi-arm approach to engagement to reach the most people through a variety of means, including a dedicated website. In addition, to ensure we were knowledgeable and respectful, we researched the site and the community through secondary resources, interviews, and a survey.
Defining Goals and Guiding Principles
Through a series of small-group dialogues and online workshops, the community defined guiding principles, project goals, and important adjacencies for the programs within the community center. In order to ensure inclusivity, each workshop included a diverse combination of stakeholders and community members.
Iterative Design
As the design developed, there was a series of presentations with opportunities for feedback and input from the community. The presentations were posted on social media and the website with additional opportunities for comment.
The project will continue to develop as the community secures funding. To see the full feasibility report and schematic design, click here.
Ennead Architects / Ennead Lab
Sustainability Consultant
Construction Manager
- Big-D Construction
Structural Engineer
Avalanche Consultant
- Contour Group